Thursday, February 4, 2021

Week 2 Post 1

  Social Media has been a game-changer for businesses and also problem-solving throughout the world over the years in many different ways. 

  • Globally Connected: Social media has knows no country divides. You can find the perfect business partner, investors, employees all through social media. 

  • Promoting Business: Social media is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools that you can take advantage of now. You can also pinpoint your target market and be able to market directly to them without wasting precious marketing resources on non-potential clientele.

  • News in Realtime: No longer do we wait for the newspaper to find out what happened the day before. Now we can have global and local news at our fingertips with social media which can change the stock market outcomes in seconds or spur people to support a business even. 

  • Bringing Birds of a Feather Together: Birds of a feather flock together... With social media, we can now connect and find people who are like-minded and would be interested in helping your cause or business instantly. 

  • Socially Aware: Social media has the power to change lives on a global scale overnight. 
 Conducting business and marketing in the past could be slow and you may not be able to reach your target market so precisely. Non-profits and people with good causes used to struggle to be heard and make people aware. 

 I currently work for a company where I respond to feedback and reviews. Mostly we get positive reviews and I thank them kindly and acknowledge their review with a lot of gusto! On the very rare occassion that we receive a negative review I try to resolve the issue with the client and do service recovery if it ends in a satisfctory manner then I ask them to remove the negative review which has worked everytime. 

I do not enjoy doing many reviews, but when I do it's either because I am absolutely thrilled or absolutely irate at the service or product. I never leave reivews when its just so-so or normal. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelsey, I'm like you in that I don't really enjoy posting reviews but it I do it's usually because I need to blow off steam. I am anxious to keep watching what you do in this class, since you have experience in social media marketing as one who responds to feedback. Having your insight will be valuable. I am especially interested in being able to use #2 and #4 on your list together. How do I find like minded people to market to?


Week 2 Post 1

  Social Media has been a game-changer for businesses and also problem-solving throughout the world over the years in many different ways.  ...